Natasha’s Daily Scripture, Prayer and Reflection for 8.6.15


“Yes, God is mighty, but He despises no one; He understands all things. He does not keep the wicked alive, but He gives justice to the afflicted. He does not remove His gaze from the righteous, but He seats them forever with enthroned kings, and they are exalted.
He opens their ears to correction and insists they repent from iniquity. If they serve Him obediently, they will end their days in prosperity and their years in happiness. But if they do not obey, they will cross the river of death and die without knowledge.
God rescues the afflicted by their affliction; He instructs them by their torment.
Yet now you are obsessed with the judgment due the wicked; judgment and justice have seized you.
Can your wealth or all your physical exertion keep you from distress?
Be careful that you do not turn to iniquity, for that is why you have been tested by affliction.”
“The Almighty — we cannot reach Him — He is exalted in power! He will not oppress justice and abundant righteousness, Therefore, men fear Him. He does not look favorably on any who are wise in heart.”

‭‭Job‬ ‭36:5-7, 10-12, 15, 17, 19, 21‬ ‭HCSB‬‬

Job‬ ‭37:23-24‬ ‭HCSB‬‬


Thank You for this day Father. The fact that I’m here is a blessing, a gift from You, Your embrace that can’t be measured. Thank You. 
You know my heart and You know where my feet are taking me on this path Father. You know where I am strong and where I am weak. I pray for strength where I am weak, and reinforcement in the areas where I am already strong. When the pain stirs up fear please replace that useless emotion with praise, so that I can be filled with faith and not drained by doubt. Humbly I pray to You today. Amen. 

Many of us think that there’s a magical number that once reached, we will somehow be exempt from trials and tribulations. I think that time comes when we’ve transitioned on to the next level of existence, but surely not while we walk upright in human form. What person have you read and studied about in the Bible, or any spiritual text, that didn’t face uphill battles and downhill avalanches? 
If I did nothing in malice I don’t see my torment as being malicious or a form of punishment, just a test, just the potter molding the clay. Oh how painful it can be, but the finished product will be splendid—absolutely priceless!
Questions of the Day
1. What do you think of today’s message?
2. What would you like to add to today’s prayer and/or reflection?
3. What do you think of Elihu and his message?
4. How is Elihu’s approach different than the other three men?

Feel free to share your answers, prayers, comments, and reflections in the comment section below. You can also send me an email at: 
Please also feel free to share this post with others. We’re never quite sure who needs to hear and see what, and when! It would be awesome if whenever you run across a prayer, message, or scripture that moves you, you would kindly share it with the rest of us. You can post it on this blog or send me an email. 
Love always,


Copyright 2013-2015. Natasha Foreman Bryant. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha Foreman Bryant, unless otherwise noted. Prior posts from 2009-2013 are copyrighted under the name Natasha L. Foreman.
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