Breaking Bread For 5.18.24

Today’s Theme: How We Treat Sinners and Enemies Is A Reflection of Our Relationship With God.

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“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do that. 

And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full.

But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”

Luke 6:32-36


You must walk the path that God directs, not looking for a short-cut or smoother way. That means showing mercy to others even when it is easier to turn away. Lend or give money even if you don’t expect repayment. Love those who say they hate you. Love those who are determined to destroy you, ruin your reputation, take what you have, or make you feel less than who and what you are as God’s child. You don’t have to be buddy-buddy and affectionate to love someone. We can love in spite of their ignorance and inner ugliness because we know that God loves them. He counters hate with love.

Love is accepting their limitations, not trying to browbeat them for it.

Yes, I love those who hate, fear, loathe, and detest me. I love those who call me ugly while they spend thousands and thousands of dollars to look like me. I love those who say vile words about me because I know the truth is they actually fear and envy me, thinking I have or will have something that they think should only belong to them.

I live rent-free in their minds because they are obsessed with me and what I represent. Why else would they invest so much time, money, and effort trying to disrespect, dehumanize, discredit, devalue, and destroy me? It’s because, in their darkness, they see my Light. In their lack, they see my excess. They see God in me, and it repulses them. They listen to and conform to the lies that the enemy tells them, even when they think they are following and honoring the God of Jesus, Moses, Noah, Abraham, Esther, Mary, Debra, and others from our ancient past.

I see the god and gods they’re blindly or blatantly worshipping, and I forgive them for their stupidity. So, no, I don’t like what they say and do, but I love them despite their ways. I love them because I know they’re sick from the contamination of lies they have spent most, if not all, of their lives, digesting and believing. I know that they are plagued by a generational curse that haunts them. They are exhausted, and it shows on their faces and through their actions. That’s why I show them grace and mercy.

I love them because I know that the energy they pour out is weak and miserable, and the only Source of healing for them is God. The only salvation they have is God. So, I love them because I want them to see and embrace His Light. I want them to see the counterfeit for what it is and run instead to God. I don’t need their acceptance or apology. They need to do right by God. He is their Judge. He determines what happens to their souls.

I desire their realignment in God. I can only want that if I love them. I know who I am and to Whom I belong. I’m not trying to be like them, I’m trying to be like Him. I know my strength, power, and identity comes from Him. They are the confused ones. They are the lost ones. So out of love, I pray for their spirits and souls. It is all about God and about our role and purpose as ambassadors in Christ, building God’s Kingdom. It has nothing to do with your image, ego, pride, self-esteem, self-worth, bottom line, or personal brand. Be the Light you claim to be. Pray for your enemy. Touch a stranger’s life today, even with a simple act of kindness, and watch the ripple effect of God’s love spread.


Father, daily I am working to be a better person in every way, in every situation, and to every person regardless of how they look, what they believe, or how they treat me. Father, it’s because of the value and importance of the heart that I strive to be better and do better. It’s not about them it’s about what’s in my heart. It’s about my relationship with You and strengthening our bond. I don’t want to disappoint You. I don’t want to disappoint myself.

I understand the importance of pouring Your goodness into a world plagued by Your opposite. Every day You pour into me and I want to pay it forward to all of Your children. I hope that we may grow in Your love, to love and help others, show grace and mercy, and reflect Your Light. Father, help me to grow closer to You and stand tall in Your confidence. I love You. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Author: Natasha

I'm a servant leader, consultant, educator, author, blogger and podcaster. My SEEK HIM 3-volume book series and workbooks can be purchased through, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and other global retailers. Check out my publisher's website for details: Support local bookstores by shopping online with

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