Breaking Bread For 5.21.24

Today’s Theme: Don’t Give to the Enemy What He Can’t Take or Make.

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Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

Romans 5:3-5


Through uphill battles and downhill falls, we persevere, grow, and develop our character with a restored sense of hope that tomorrow will be better and that after this storm will come the rainbow and the beautiful rays of God’s Light shining brightly. Never lose faith and hope that God will always see you through life’s issues, failed relationships, economic downturns, personal hangups, and moments of fear and frustration. Praise Him. Thank Him. Sing and dance as though you don’t have a care in the world—because you know that God is taking care of you and your needs, even if you can’t see the solution—know it’s there.

Those who struggle with this concept, understanding, and Truth, probably will or won’t admit that they also struggle with fully embracing their relationship with God, building and strengthening the intimacy that He wants to have with each of His children. When we fail to commit to Him, we tend to think that He is also not committed to us. We think that our dismissive ways are a reflection of how He sees and relates to us. That is a lie the enemy keeps on loop in your mind. Rebuke it. Know the Truth, speak it, live it, and be free in it. For what God wants for you, the enemy can’t and never will be able to provide or even counterfeit.

In this fight for our souls, the friction is intense, but with perseverance, our character is formed, and hope is restored, renewed, and reinforced. Don’t give to the enemy that which he can’t take or make.


Father, I praise Your Name through good times and in bad because I know that through life’s trials and tribulations I grow stronger, wiser, and closer to You, Father. I know that every time I fall and get up, every time I face a setback, my perseverance is helping to build my character as Your ambassador; and every day that I rise to see the sun I know that I am truly blessed. So I thank You, Father. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Author: Natasha

I'm a servant leader, consultant, educator, author, blogger and podcaster. My SEEK HIM 3-volume book series and workbooks can be purchased through, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and other global retailers. Check out my publisher's website for details: Support local bookstores by shopping online with

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