Breaking Bread For 6.4.24

Today’s Theme: Resting in Our Confidence in God

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I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living.

Psalm 27:13


No matter what you go through, no matter how often or intensely someone mistreats you, God brings a calming balance to chaos. God will remove you from a bad situation, He will heal your pain, and bring people to your life that walk in His Light. He will bring people to you that will not lie to you, cheat on you, or steal your time, money, possessions, energy, or dignity. He will also stand as the bridge for you to cross when people with evil intent come hawking your way. All we have to do is call out, reach out, and knock on the door—and it will be opened. 

I truly believe that there is more love and acceptance than hate and rejection in the world. Sometimes you just have to take a closer look. The Author of Confusion wants you to see the darkness and shadows, fear them, and become so overwhelmed that you are paralyzed from doing much of anything in life. God is Life, and there is nothing more that He wants for you than to see you live your truth in and through Him on this land that He made beautifully rich for you.

We don’t have to be lost when we rely on God’s guidance and GPS coordinates. We don’t have to be afraid or succumb to fear when our confidence comes from Him. We don’t have to be confused as long as we consult with God first, frequently, and always.

We don’t have to be bitter because we know that God can make all things better. We don’t have to be poor because God has unlimited wealth in every aspect of spiritual and physical life, waiting to pour into us. We don’t have to be ignorant when we have God as our Teacher.

We don’t have to hate when we choose instead a relationship with God, who is Love, and through that choice, we fill our minds and hearts with His Truth and cast out the lies. We choose not to embrace and become that which brings us harm. We don’t have to be cynical because, through God, we are optimistic.

Yes, humankind will fail us, but God doesn’t and won’t. Be optimistic in Him.

Ponder that. 

Then let go of the baggage you’re carrying around, thinking that all of it rests upon your shoulders. It doesn’t. It never was supposed to. This is the weight that only God can handle. He keeps telling you to rest your weary head on Him. You keep dragging your head and your junk from place to place. You keep listening to the shaming and blaming accusations of the enemy. Listen instead to your Heavenly Father and let Him do what only He can. And tell the enemy to be quiet and go have a seat.


Father, I believe that even in darkness, through lies, deceit, and hate, and evil of all kinds— that Your goodness can and will be seen amongst and within the masses of Your children. No matter how much I’m wronged by someone I will never stop believing that Your Light will always penetrate darkness, that Your Truth will always reveal lies, and that Your Love will always heal pain. I may not be confident in man, but I am 100 percent confident in You. In You I put my trust. Always giving You the glory, for without You there is no me. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Author: Natasha

I'm a servant leader, consultant, educator, author, blogger and podcaster. My SEEK HIM 3-volume book series and workbooks can be purchased through, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and other global retailers. Check out my publisher's website for details: Support local bookstores by shopping online with

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