Breaking Bread For 6.6.24

Today’s Theme: God’s Scales and Balances

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Honest scales and balances belong to the lord; all the weights in the bag are of his making.

Proverbs 16:11


Sometimes we add more pressure, responsibility, drama, headaches, and heartbreaks upon ourselves because we want to control or fix something— but then turn to God as though it was His doing, or somehow it’s just now out of our control. We didn’t have control before things got out of hand, but we kept meddling. We then are consumed with stress and forget that God is always our solution. If we want peace, balance, clarity, and more positive energy— we must turn to and release ourselves fully to God.


Father, I pray to see and embrace that only through You and by You can I find balance in my life. You hold the truthful scales, and You make a way out of no way. If I want peace, it must come from my reliance upon and devotion to You. I want to release my cares to You Lord. I want to be freed from my burdens that I subject myself to, and freed from the weight that I place on my shoulders. Let me carry what You place on me, what You say is acceptable, and what helps me to carry out my responsibilities as Your ambassador.

Everything else that I keep carrying around and depressing myself with, I ask that You prioritize, rearrange, or take away. Let me only focus on what I’m supposed to, not on the distractions that prevent me from being all that You have called on me to be. In Your Name I praise and pray. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.



Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Author: Natasha

I'm a servant leader, consultant, educator, author, blogger and podcaster. My SEEK HIM 3-volume book series and workbooks can be purchased through, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, and other global retailers. Check out my publisher's website for details: Support local bookstores by shopping online with

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