Breaking Bread For 5.20.24

Today’s Theme: Peeling Back the Layers of Our Hypocrisy, Ignorance, and Immaturity

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!–59440987


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James 1:22-26


If our walk with God was intended to be easy, then everyone would be able to do it effortlessly and we wouldn’t have trauma in our lives, and Jesus would never have been placed in the position to atone for our sins and sacrifice his human existence to prove an eternal spiritual existence. If our walk was to be easy, then even Jesus’ demonstration through his life would have been made easy. 

The world around us is filled with goodness that oftentimes gets manipulated and coerced into following the darkest of ways—but the foundation and roots are still governed by God, who is merely waiting for the world to make a decision and commitment to walk in His Light, by His ways. As you make your journey through life, you will be tempted to stray from your path. You will be tempted to return to old habits that plagued your life. You must decide which life you want to lead.

I’m not telling you to change your life like a light switch because as quickly as you attempt to turn one way, you will quickly be tempted and give in to resuming your old lifestyle. Every day we must work and strive to be better people. Every day we must work to give up bad habits. Everything in life can’t be dropped cold turkey without a great deal of pain and frustration, and if we could easily handle pain and frustration, then we would never have adopted the negative habits, to begin with!

If you are accustomed to cussing folks out and calling people out of their names in your private life, but in your public life, you act like the sweetest angel ever created—sometimes going so far as to pretend as though you don’t cuss people out and call them out of their names—guess what? You are a liar, and you are first telling the biggest lie to yourself.

We all have flaws, and none of us are perfect. Look at your flaws and decide what you can and will begin to change about yourself beginning today. Then each day, work at turning that negative into a positive, turning pain into strength, and fear and hate to love.

When I was a senior in high school, my father always said to me, “Cussing is what a person does when they can’t intelligently convey what they are trying to say.” Many of us would opt to cuss than take the time to find another way to verbalize what we are thinking and how we feel. It didn’t mean my dad didn’t use profanity. It doesn’t mean that I don’t. But can we find other words to describe our joy, pain, frustration, and anger? Sure, we can. But will we make that conscious effort?

Are you willing to try to find alternative ways to express yourself?

Watch what you invest, ingest, and digest into your life, and decide what you can remove immediately or gradually. Do you enjoy watching a certain type of movie, playing a certain type of video game, indulging in certain “private” acts of pleasure, or listening to certain genres of music, but you know you may or may not admit to it publicly, at church, or to your beloved grandmother? Seems hypocritical, doesn’t it?

Only if you profess to be living some high and mighty way while knowing you’re not. If you love horror and gore movies, don’t act like you only watch the Hallmark channel. If you’re into playing violent video games, don’t pretend to be playing something more appropriate for a small child. It doesn’t make you evil for enjoying violent entertainment. Lying about it simply makes you a liar. God already knows what you do, so telling humans something different means you’re more concerned about their judgment and opinion of you than His.

If you’re concerned with the things you do privately and want to change in some way, then work to do something about it but don’t be a fraud in the process. We’re all works in progress, in a process that takes time.

Just “keep it real” while God is molding you; if not, life only gets harder, more difficult, and more frustrating, and you will find yourself trying to avoid the pain and difficulty—which is only going to lead you down paths of more deception. We have to be comfortable in the pain and discomfort, understanding it’s temporary. Masking it and numbing it with counterfeit alternatives pulls us farther from God.

Let’s be responsible and accountable. Pick a lane, and don’t straddle or swerve across them—if you do, expect to get a ticket for lane violations!


Father, every day I pray to you countless times as the hours pass and my blessings shine over my mounting trials and tribulations. The closer I get to You, Lord, the more challenging life seems to become at times because the way of the world is beginning to now seem different to me, and I am seeing my life through a different lens.

As these changes are taking place, the “enemy” keeps trying to convince me to stay as my old self, to hang with those people who aren’t good stewards and ambassadors for Your Kingdom; and there is pressure to behave, think, and speak in a way that is not loving and Christ-like.

As I move to focus my eyes, heart, and life more on You I am being tempted and tested by outside forces to live a double life, one that shines brightly as Your representative on some days, or during certain periods of the day, and the other life that stays hidden away where I can secretly indulge in my old “ways” of living. Father this battle for my soul can only be won when I let go, surrender, and let You have all of me.

When I question why certain things seem to happen to me at the oddest and most inconvenient of times, why bad situations seem to blindside me, and why I’m tempted by outside forces to invest my time and energy into other things and other people instead of You, I know that it is because it is a test of my commitment and devotion to You. I want my relationship with You to be unshakable and unquestionable. I love You, Father. Amen.

Well, family, I hope this message has helped you as it has helped me. I will continue to pray for your peace, joy, and safety each day and hope that you, too, pray for me. I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Love Always,


Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.19.24

Today’s Theme: The Recklessness of Uncontrolled Anger

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!–59440977


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20


A child of God should be strengthened in His Word and by the example of His son Jesus Christ. We should have the discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when things are wrong and not of God. We should have the discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when we are being moved toward darkness.

We should be disciplined enough to turn away from darkness and not give in to anger and rage. Pray for the strength to be more loving even when others aren’t (being) loving to you. As the old adage goes, “If you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all.” We should practice this daily so as not to fall into the enemy’s trap.

The enemy wants you to be caught up in chaos and confusion. Don’t give in to that foolishness. Turn the mess over to God. I struggle with this as I’m quick to want to put someone in their place, but that’s not my role or assignment. The moment my words are fueled by anger, I’ve lost, and the enemy has won. I’m now not right in Truth, even if I may be right in fact.

Let that absorb in your mind and heart.


Father, help me to listen more intently and purposely. Open my eyes to see the things I overlook, and help me to clearly discern what’s before me. I pray that I stop to think before I speak so that only loving words come from my mouth. I hope that I turn to You so that my emotions don’t bubble out of control, and grow to anger and rage.

Father, I know that anger is not a by-product of Your love and Light. It is in weakness that a person turns to anger and violence to address their concerns and issues. It is a weak person that lashes out verbally or physically. I want to be strong in You. Touch my heart so that I can align in all ways to You. In Your Name I praise and pray. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.4.24

Today’s Theme: Submission to God or the Status Quo of the World

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button, and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!–59440973


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

James 4:7-8,10


Yesterday could have been rough for you, but today does not have to be your yesterday, especially if you trust and rely on God to help you see your way through. In my last message, which focused on Job 9, I said we should smile when faced with heartache, grief, turmoil, pain, setbacks, and disappointments. Because those may be facts, but they aren’t your truth. We should rejoice in the Lord for the triumph we know is coming. We should smile for being blessed with yet another day to demonstrate His goodness, grace, and mercy.

Sometimes, we have to make difficult decisions to stay within the status quo of man or to follow God. Sometimes, we grow content with accepting the ongoing pain of living in the flesh that we don’t even consider the pleasure we receive from living in God’s Light. We must learn to love God above all else, including ourselves. We don’t want the pain and friction caused by God molding us, but we don’t realize that we are causing that pain and friction because we simply won’t let go and give ourselves up to Him. 

So yes, when we resist, the molding process is more difficult. But ironically, we have less of a problem enduring the pain received in personal and professional relationships—in those instances, we can quickly make excuses and try to find ways to compromise or totally acquiesce. We are double-minded and not fully loyal to our Heavenly Father. We must choose which life we want to lead. We must choose whom we will follow, trust, and obey. If we don’t surrender to God, the molding process only becomes more intense. 


Everyone wants to be like the disciples who had an easy escape exit, but who wants the responsibility of truly carrying the cross like Jesus? Who wants to walk as Jesus did? I’m not talking about having hangers-on and followers who blindly cheerlead and applaud all that you do. That is not and was not Jesus’s path and demonstration. 

Remember, there were more than 100 disciples, and he selected 12 (with double-mindedness even in some of them) to be responsible for carrying on his work. The 12 also symbolized the 12 tribes of Israel. We read about their time spent with Jesus, but consider all of the time he spent alone talking to God, meditating on his calling, contemplating things—we don’t have written records of that. We have no clue what Jesus really had to endure, the fears he had to overcome, the tears that poured out of him as he wondered why he was chosen to make such a huge sacrifice for people who would probably backslide once he left (which most did). We don’t know the doubt and frustration that would creep up inside of him.

I can say that I only wish I had the faith he had (to stand in support of God’s plan and walk with Him), courage (to do what hadn’t been done), discipline (to not be distracted), and discernment (to navigate through the smoke and mirrors of this world).


Can you imagine surrendering and giving yourself to God, knowing that tomorrow you will not be here with your loved ones? Just like Moses knew that he would never enter the Promised Land, his mission was to get the children of Israel to a certain point, and then Joshua would lead them the rest of the way.

To know when your last day on earth will be must be frightening. At the same time, it makes you appreciate more of life’s experiences and your mission and purpose along the way. That is why many people say, “Live your life each day as though it is your last.” With that, I send my love to each of you and pray for your peace and protection, and hope that you also pray for mine.


Father, I pray to release my burdens, fears and doubt to You. I know You’re trying to mold me, and I keep trying to dictate the process. I know You’re trying to direct my path, and I keep resisting and following man and not You. I want to let go. Father, free me from my shackles of double-mindedness and over-analysis. I pray for the discernment to know Your voice from any other and the belief and knowledge that Your answer is always the right one. In Your Name, I humbly pray. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2024. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 7.3.23

Today’s Theme: Faith and Action Working Together

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!


You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

James 2:22


It is not faith alone, but your actions supporting your faith, that encompasses your true dedication and belief in God and what He can do to and for you. That’s why it’s faith walking and not faith sitting. You gotta put some action with it, put some elbow grease in the mix, showing God that you’re expectant but don’t think you’re entitled. Let’s break things down, using me and my life as examples to consider how we pray about money and resources, parenthood, marriage, and health and wellness. We’ll choose this approach in case certain scenarios aren’t applicable to you. If that doesn’t make sense, hopefully, it will shortly.


I can’t just have faith that God will give me the money that I need to pay my personal and business expenses and the other provisions that I need. I have to be proactive and receptive. I have to get up each day and work diligently so that I am doing my part and showing God that I’m serious about my life, my family’s well-being, my career, and in serving Him. Work must cooperate with faith.


I can’t just sit around praying and begging God to bless me with children, I must make sure that I am doing my part to be mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially healthy—and prepared to have, raise, and nurture those children. Coupled with my faith in Him, He will bless me with children, as He sees fit, in whatever arrangement that He defines. God has no time limits or boundaries. God isn’t concerned about my age and what doctors, science, or society say. God determines. My responsibility is to do my part and be patient.


I can’t just sit around and pray for a healthy, joy-filled, loving, honorable, impenetrable, and committed marriage— I must do my part to heal, nurture, love, commit, strengthen, protect, and grow within myself. I must be supportive, receptive, nurturing, understanding, compassionate, nonjudging, trusting, forgiving, and loving to encourage—and receive—the same in return.

I can’t be hung up on the past because God isn’t. He’s not still dwelling on what I or someone else should’ve and could’ve done or what we did to disappoint Him. So why am I looking backward when the day is before me and my future is ahead of me? What someone did to me was done. Past tense. It doesn’t make sense to continue carrying around that weight. It doesn’t get me closer to healing, salvation, victory, or what God has planned for me. It’s just dead weight.

I don’t need to remarry to be happy and whole. I need to be in constant alignment with God. He makes me whole and complete. My marriage to Him comes before all human relationships. Whoever stands in accordance with that is one chosen by God to do so. It’s not for me to force or reconfigure a piece to try to make it fit some puzzle I’ve envisioned. When that piece is directed by God, it aligns without effort. Then there is peace.

With my faith and actions, I can put my trust in knowing that my human relationship and marriage (if God so chooses) will be as God envisioned. I must demonstrate through thoughts, words, and deeds the very things that I desire in and from a life partner.


My desire for excellent health cannot come from merely wishing or praying for it. What am I doing to reduce my risk of exposure to toxic things, environments, situations, and people? What am I doing to extinguish the toxic thoughts that creep in with a seek-and-destroy mission?

Health is not just physical. It is spiritual, emotional, mental, and financial. It is inside-out and outside-in. It’s also the layers upon layers that we stand in strength or weakness. It’s the layers that we place or allow to be placed, by others, upon us.


My actions, along with my faith, encourage me to trust and believe that the health, money, resources, children, and marriage that I desire—and need— will be provided to me as God intends for me, and only when He sees fit. Faith is not only believing in something; it is also the patience to wait, for that which we desire, to manifest fully—on God’s time, not ours. While we wait, we must work with the greatest of passion.

Now let’s put some action beside our faith!


Father, I thank You for my blessings—past, present, and future. I thank You now for providing me with the money that I need to take care of my expenses and to provide the financial foundation and layers that will support and help build my legacy. I thank You now for providing me with the resources that I need to grow and become a better person.

To show my faith in You and my dedication to serving You, I won’t just sit around lazily expecting You to do everything for me; but rather I promise to get up each day and work diligently in both my personal and professional life. If I say I want more in life then I need to show You that I can handle more, by first taking care of what is before me.

Jesus showed men how to become fishermen so that they could catch their own fish, not just wait around for someone to provide them with the fish. I want to be that metaphoric and symbolic fisherman, who works hard through Your grace and will to provide for myself and my family—all while teaching those in need, so that they too will rise up to be fishermen.

I want You to know and see that I’m willing to do my part, Lord. I thank You for taking care of me Father, and for freeing me from the fear that tries to keep me prisoner in my own mind and body. I love You Father. In Your son Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.



Copyright 2011-2023. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.20.23

Today’s Theme: Peeling Back the Layers of Our Hypocrisy, Ignorance, and Immaturity

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James 1:22-26


If our walk with God was intended to be easy, then everyone would be able to do it effortlessly and we wouldn’t have trauma in our lives, and Jesus would never have been placed in the position to atone for our sins and sacrifice his human existence to prove an eternal spiritual existence. If our walk was to be easy, then even Jesus’ demonstration through his life would have been made easy. 

The world around us is filled with goodness that oftentimes gets manipulated and coerced into following the darkest of ways—but the foundation and roots are still governed by God, who is merely waiting for the world to make a decision and commitment to walk in His Light, by His ways. As you make your journey through life, you will be tempted to stray from your path. You will be tempted to return to old habits that plagued your life. You must decide which life you want to lead.

I’m not telling you to change your life like a light switch because as quickly as you attempt to turn one way, you will quickly be tempted and give in to resuming your old lifestyle. Every day we must work and strive to be better people. Every day we must work to give up bad habits. Everything in life can’t be dropped cold turkey without a great deal of pain and frustration, and if we could easily handle pain and frustration, then we would never have adopted the negative habits, to begin with!

If you are accustomed to cussing folks out and calling people out of their names in your private life, but in your public life, you act like the sweetest angel ever created—sometimes going so far as to pretend as though you don’t cuss people out and call them out of their names—guess what? You are a liar, and you are first telling the biggest lie to yourself.

We all have flaws, and none of us are perfect. Look at your flaws and decide what you can and will begin to change about yourself beginning today. Then each day, work at turning that negative into a positive, turning pain into strength, and fear and hate to love.

When I was a senior in high school, my father always said to me, “Cussing is what a person does when they can’t intelligently convey what they are trying to say.” Many of us would opt to cuss than take the time to find another way to verbalize what we are thinking and how we feel. It didn’t mean my dad didn’t use profanity. It doesn’t mean that I don’t. But can we find other words to describe our joy, pain, frustration, and anger? Sure, we can. But will we make that conscious effort?

Are you willing to try to find alternative ways to express yourself?

Watch what you invest, ingest, and digest into your life, and decide what you can remove immediately or gradually. Do you enjoy watching a certain type of movie, playing a certain type of video game, indulging in certain “private” acts of pleasure, or listening to certain genres of music, but you know you may or may not admit to it publicly, at church, or to your beloved grandmother? Seems hypocritical, doesn’t it?

Only if you profess to be living some high and mighty way while knowing you’re not. If you love horror and gore movies, don’t act like you only watch the Hallmark channel. If you’re into playing violent video games, don’t pretend to be playing something more appropriate for a small child. It doesn’t make you evil for enjoying violent entertainment. Lying about it simply makes you a liar. God already knows what you do, so telling humans something different means you’re more concerned about their judgment and opinion of you than His.

If you’re concerned with the things you do privately and want to change in some way, then work to do something about it but don’t be a fraud in the process. We’re all works in progress, in a process that takes time.

Just “keep it real” while God is molding you; if not, life only gets harder, more difficult, and more frustrating, and you will find yourself trying to avoid the pain and difficulty—which is only going to lead you down paths of more deception. We have to be comfortable in the pain and discomfort, understanding it’s temporary. Masking it and numbing it with counterfeit alternatives pulls us farther from God.

Let’s be responsible and accountable. Pick a lane, and don’t straddle or swerve across them—if you do, expect to get a ticket for lane violations!


Father, every day I pray to you countless times as the hours pass and my blessings shine over my mounting trials and tribulations. The closer I get to You, Lord, the more challenging life seems to become at times because the way of the world is beginning to now seem different to me, and I am seeing my life through a different lens.

As these changes are taking place, the “enemy” keeps trying to convince me to stay as my old self, to hang with those people who aren’t good stewards and ambassadors for Your Kingdom; and there is pressure to behave, think, and speak in a way that is not loving and Christ-like.

As I move to focus my eyes, heart, and life more on You I am being tempted and tested by outside forces to live a double life, one that shines brightly as Your representative on some days, or during certain periods of the day, and the other life that stays hidden away where I can secretly indulge in my old “ways” of living. Father this battle for my soul can only be won when I let go, surrender, and let You have all of me.

When I question why certain things seem to happen to me at the oddest and most inconvenient of times, why bad situations seem to blindside me, and why I’m tempted by outside forces to invest my time and energy into other things and other people instead of You, I know that it is because it is a test of my commitment and devotion to You. I want my relationship with You to be unshakable and unquestionable. I love You, Father. Amen.

Well, family, I hope this message has helped you as it has helped me. I will continue to pray for your peace, joy, and safety each day and hope that you, too, pray for me. I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Love Always,


Copyright 2011-2023. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.19.23

Today’s Theme: The Recklessness of Uncontrolled Anger

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20


A child of God should be strengthened in His Word and by the example of His son Jesus Christ. We should have the discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when things are wrong and not of God. We should have the discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when we are being moved toward darkness.

We should be disciplined enough to turn away from darkness and not give in to anger and rage. Pray for the strength to be more loving even when others aren’t (being) loving to you. As the old adage goes, “If you have nothing good to say, then say nothing at all.” We should practice this daily so as not to fall into the enemy’s trap.

The enemy wants you to be caught up in chaos and confusion. Don’t give in to that foolishness. Turn the mess over to God. I struggle with this as I’m quick to want to put someone in their place, but that’s not my role or assignment. The moment my words are fueled by anger, I’ve lost, and the enemy has won. I’m now not right in Truth, even if I may be right in fact.

Let that absorb in your mind and heart.


Father, help me to listen more intently and purposely. Open my eyes to see the things I overlook, and help me to clearly discern what’s before me. I pray that I stop to think before I speak so that only loving words come from my mouth. I hope that I turn to You so that my emotions don’t bubble out of control, and grow to anger and rage.

Father, I know that anger is not a by-product of Your love and Light. It is in weakness that a person turns to anger and violence to address their concerns and issues. It is a weak person that lashes out verbally or physically. I want to be strong in You. Touch my heart so that I can align in all ways to You. In Your Name I praise and pray. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2023. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.4.23

Today’s Theme: Submission to God or the Status Quo of the World

Audio Option

Please click on the audio player below to listen to today’s message. You can fast-forward past the intro and get straight to the message by clicking the play button, and then the 30-second fast-forward button on the audio player. Thank you!


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

James 4:7-8,10


Yesterday could have been rough for you, but today does not have to be your yesterday, especially if you trust and rely on God to help you see your way through. In my last message, which focused on Job 9, I said we should smile when faced with heartache, grief, turmoil, pain, setbacks, and disappointments. Because those may be facts, but they aren’t your truth. We should rejoice in the Lord for the triumph we know is coming. We should smile for being blessed with yet another day to demonstrate His goodness, grace, and mercy.

Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions to stay within the status quo of man or to follow God. Sometimes we grow content with accepting the ongoing pain of living in the flesh that we don’t even consider the pleasure we receive from living in God’s Light. We must learn to love God above all else, including ourselves. We don’t want the pain and friction caused by God molding us, but we don’t realize that we are causing that pain and friction because we simply won’t let go and give ourselves up to Him. 

So yes, when we resist, the molding process is more difficult. But ironically, we have less of a problem enduring the pain received in personal and professional relationships—in those instances, we can quickly make excuses and try to find ways to compromise or totally acquiesce. We are double-minded and not fully loyal to our Heavenly Father. We must choose which life we want to lead. We must choose whom we will follow, trust and obey. If we don’t surrender to God, the molding process only becomes more intense. 


Everyone wants to be like the disciples who had an easy escape exit, but who wants the responsibility of truly carrying the cross like Jesus? Who wants to walk as Jesus did? I’m not talking about having hangers-on and followers who blindly cheerlead and applaud all that you do. That is not and was not Jesus’s path and demonstration. 

Remember, there were more than 100 disciples, and he selected 12 (with double-mindedness even in some of them) to be responsible for carrying on his work. The 12 also symbolized the 12 tribes of Israel. We read about their time spent with Jesus, but consider all of the time he spent alone talking to God, meditating on his calling, contemplating things—we don’t have written records of that. We have no clue what Jesus really had to endure, the fears he had to overcome, the tears that poured out of him as he wondered why he was chosen to make such a huge sacrifice for people who would probably backslide once he left (which most did). We don’t know the doubt and frustration that would creep up inside of him.

I can say that I only wish I had the faith he had (to stand in support of God’s plan and walk with Him), courage (to do what hadn’t been done), discipline (to not be distracted), and discernment (to navigate through the smoke and mirrors of this world).


Can you imagine surrendering and giving yourself to God, knowing that tomorrow you will not be here with your loved ones? Just like Moses knowing that he would never enter the Promised Land, his mission was to get the children of Israel to a certain point, and then Joshua would lead them the rest of the way.

To know when your last day on earth will be must be frightening. At the same time, it makes you appreciate more of life’s experiences and your mission and purpose along the way. That is why many people say, “Live your life each day as though it is your last.” With that, I send my love to each of you and pray for your peace and protection, and hope that you also pray for mine.


Father, I pray to release my burdens, fears and doubt to You. I know You’re trying to mold me, and I keep trying to dictate the process. I know You’re trying to direct my path, and I keep resisting and following man and not You. I want to let go. Father, free me from my shackles of double-mindedness and over-analysis. I pray for the discernment to know Your voice from any other and the belief and knowledge that Your answer is always the right one. In Your Name, I humbly pray. Amen.

And with that family, I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others.

Copyright 2011-2023. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Climb by Shane Ivers; Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 8.9.22

Audio Option

To listen to today’s message, please click on the link below. Thank you!


“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

James‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


He who began a good work in you will continue. He keeps His promises. Will you keep yours? Will you press forward each day and endure your tests? Or will you think life is unfair and decide instead to focus on what you don’t have? Will you blame God for the temptation you caved to, or will you take responsibility for giving into the flesh?

Praise and seek God through the tests and times you are tempted. Keep your eyes and heart focused on Him. Your reward is immeasurable and invaluable. Don’t ever forget that.


Father, thank You for holding my world in Your Hand. Thank You for never letting go of me and always believing in me, even when I don’t. Thank You for giving me courage and strength. Thank You for inspiring and encouraging me with Your love, so that I don’t weaken and give up when facing the troubles of life. Thank You for giving me reasons to smile each day. Thank You for each day that I rise. In Jesus’ Name I praise You and pray to You. Amen.

Loving you all!

Copyright 2011-2022. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 7.3.22

Audio Option

To listen to today’s message, please click on the link below. Thank you!

Note: Any music that may play after this message concludes, is part of the advertising of the platform used, so please ignore it and go about your day.


You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

James 2:22


It is not faith alone, but your actions supporting your faith, that encompasses your true dedication and belief in God and what He can do to and for you. That’s why it’s faith walking and not faith sitting. You gotta put some action with it, put some elbow grease in the mix, showing God that you’re expectant but don’t think you’re entitled. Let’s break things down, using me and my life as examples to consider how we pray about money and resources, parenthood, marriage, and health and wellness. We’ll choose this approach in case certain scenarios aren’t applicable to you. If that doesn’t make sense, hopefully, it will shortly.


I can’t just have faith that God will give me the money that I need to pay my personal and business expenses, and the other provisions that I need. I have to be proactive and receptive. I have to get up each day and work diligently so that I am doing my part and showing God that I’m serious about my life, my family’s wellbeing, my career, and in serving Him. Work must cooperate with faith.


I can’t just sit around praying and begging God to bless me with children, I must make sure that I am doing my part to be mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially healthy—and prepared to have, raise, and nurture those children. Coupled with my faith in Him, He will bless me with children, as He sees fit, in whatever arrangement that He defines. God has no time limits or boundaries. God isn’t concerned about my age and what doctors, science, or society says. God determines. My responsibility is to do my part and be patient.


I can’t just sit around and pray for a healthy, joy-filled, loving, honorable, impenetrable, and committed marriage— I must do my part to heal, nurture, love, commit, strengthen, protect, and grow within myself. I must be supportive, receptive, nurturing, understanding, compassionate, nonjudging, trusting, forgiving, and loving, to encourage—and receive—the same in return.

I can’t be hung up on the past, because God isn’t. He’s not still dwelling on what I or someone else should’ve and could’ve done, or what we did to disappoint Him. So why am I looking backward when the day is before me, and my future is ahead of me? What someone did to me, was done. Past tense. It doesn’t make sense to continue carrying around that weight. It doesn’t get me closer to healing, salvation, victory, or what God has planned for me. It’s just dead weight.

I don’t need to remarry to be happy and whole. I need to be in constant alignment with God. He makes me whole and complete. My marriage to Him comes before all human relationships. Whoever stands in accordance with that is one chosen by God to do so. It’s not for me to force or reconfigure a piece to try to make it fit some puzzle I’ve envisioned. When that piece is directed by God, it aligns without effort. Then there is peace.

With my faith and actions, I can put my trust in knowing that my human relationship and marriage (if God so chooses) will be as God envisioned. I must demonstrate through thoughts, words, and deeds, the very things that I desire in and from a life partner.


My desire for excellent health cannot come from merely wishing or praying for it. What am I doing to reduce my risk of exposure to toxic things, environments, situations, and people? What am I doing to extinguish the toxic thoughts that creep in, with a seek and destroy mission?

Health is not just physical. It is spiritual, emotional, mental, and financial. It is inside-out and outside-in. It’s also the layers upon layers that we stand in strength or weakness. It’s the layers that we place or allow to be placed, by others, upon us.


My actions, along with my faith, encourage me to trust and believe that the health, money, resources, children, and marriage that I desire—and need— will be provided to me as God intends for me, and only when He sees fit. Faith, is not only the believing in something, it is also the patience to wait, for that which we desire, to manifest fully—on God’s time, not ours. While we wait we must work with the greatest of passion.

Now let’s put some action beside our faith!


Father, I thank You for my blessings—past, present, and future. I thank You now for providing me with the money that I need to take care of my expenses and to provide the financial foundation and layers that will support and help build my legacy. I thank You now for providing me with the resources that I need to grow and become a better person.

To show my faith in You and my dedication to serving You, I won’t just sit around lazily expecting You to do everything for me; but rather I promise to get up each day and work diligently in both my personal and professional life. If I say I want more in life then I need to show You that I can handle more, by first taking care of what is before me.

Jesus showed men how to become fishermen so that they could catch their own fish, not just wait around for someone to provide them with the fish. I want to be that metaphoric and symbolic fisherman, who works hard through Your grace and will to provide for myself and my family—all while teaching those in need, so that they too will rise up to be fishermen.

I want You to know and see that I’m willing to do my part, Lord. I thank You for taking care of me Father, and for freeing me from the fear that tries to keep me prisoner in my own mind and body. I love You Father. In Your son Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.



Copyright 2011-2022. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.20.22

James 1:22-26 is peeling back those layers of our hypocrisy, ignorance, and immaturity. Let’s talk about it.

Audio Option

To listen to today’s message, please click on the link below. Thank You!


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James 1:22-26


If our walk with God was intended to be easy then everyone would be able to do it effortlessly and we wouldn’t have trauma in our lives, and Jesus would never had been placed in the position to atone for our sins and sacrifice his human existence to prove an eternal spiritual existence. If our walk was to be easy then even Jesus’ demonstration through his life would have been made easy. 

The world around us is filled with goodness that oftentimes gets manipulated and coerced into following the darkest of ways—but the foundation and roots are still governed by God who is merely waiting for the world to make a decision and commitment to walk in His Light, by His ways. As you make your journey through life you will be tempted to stray from your path. You will be tempted to return to old habits that plagued your life. You must decide which life you want to lead.

I’m not telling you to change your life like a light switch, because as quickly as you attempt to turn one way, you will quickly be tempted and give in to resuming your old lifestyle. Every day we must work and strive to be better people. Every day we must work to give up bad habits. Everything in life can’t be dropped cold turkey without a great deal of pain and frustration; and if we could easily handle pain and frustration then we would never have adopted the negative habits to begin with!

If you are accustomed to cussing folks out and calling people out of their name in your private life, but in your public life you act like the sweetest angel ever created—sometimes going so far as to pretend as though you don’t cuss people out and call them out of their names—guess what? You are a liar, and you are first telling the biggest lie to yourself.

We all have flaws and none of us are perfect. Look at your flaws and decide what you can and will begin to change about yourself beginning today. Then each day work at turning that negative into a positive, turning pain to strength, and fear and hate to love.

When I was a senior in high school, my father always said to me, “Cussing is what a person does when they can’t intelligently convey what they are trying to say”. Many of us would opt to cuss than to take the time to find another way to verbalize what we are thinking and how we feel. It didn’t mean my dad didn’t use profanity. It doesn’t mean that I don’t. But can we find other words to describe our joy, pain, frustration, and anger? Sure we can. But will we make that conscious effort?

Are you willing to try to find alternative ways to express yourself?

Watch what you invest, ingest, and digest into your life, and decide what you can remove immediately or gradually. Do you enjoy watching a certain type of movie, playing a certain type of video game, indulging in certain “private” acts of pleasure, or listening to certain genres of music but you know you may or may not admit to it publicly, at church, or to your beloved grandmother? Seems hypocritical doesn’t it?

Only if you profess to be living some high and mighty way while knowing you’re not. If you love horror and gore movies, don’t act like you only watch the Hallmark channel. If you’re into playing violent video games don’t pretend to be playing something more appropriate for a small child. It doesn’t make you evil for enjoying violent entertainment. Lying about it simply makes you a liar. God already knows what you do so telling humans something different means you’re more concerned about their judgment and opinion of you, than His.

If you’re concerned with the things you do privately and want to change in some way, then work to do something about it but don’t be a fraud in the process. We’re all works in progress, in a process that takes time.

Just “keep it real” while God is molding you, if not life only gets harder, more difficult, and more frustrating, and you will find yourself trying to avoid the pain and difficulty—which is only going to lead you down paths of more deception. We have to be comfortable in the pain and discomfort, understanding it’s temporary. Masking it and numbing it with counterfeit alternatives, pulls us farther from God.

Let’s be responsible and accountable. Pick a lane, don’t straddle or swerve across them—if you do, expect to get a ticket for lane violations!


Father, every day I pray to you countless times as the hours pass and my blessings shine over my mounting trials and tribulations. The closer I get to You, Lord, the more challenging life seems to become at times because the way of the world is beginning to now seem different to me, and I am seeing my life through a different lens.

As these changes are taking place, the “enemy” keeps trying to convince me to stay as my old self, to hang with those people who aren’t good stewards and ambassadors for Your Kingdom; and there is pressure to behave, think, and speak in a way that is not loving and Christ-like.

As I move to focus my eyes, heart, and life more on You I am being tempted and tested by outside forces to live a double life, one that shines brightly as Your representative on some days, or during certain periods of the day, and the other life that stays hidden away where I can secretly indulge in my old “ways” of living. Father this battle for my soul can only be won when I let go, surrender, and let You have all of me.

When I question why certain things seem to happen to me at the oddest and most inconvenient of times, why bad situations seem to blindside me, and why I’m tempted by outside forces to invest my time and energy into other things and other people instead of You, I know that it is because it is a test of my commitment and devotion to You. I want my relationship with You to be unshakable and unquestionable. I love You, Father. Amen.

Well family, I hope this message has helped you as it has helped me. I will continue to pray for your peace, joy, and safety each day and hope that you too pray for me. I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others. I love you all! Enjoy your day.

Love Always,


Copyright 2011-2022. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.19.22

Let’s look at James 1:19-20 and the recklessness of uncontrolled anger.

Audio Option

To listen to today’s message, please click on the link below. Thank you!


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20


A child of God should be strengthened in His Word, and by the example of His son Jesus Christ. We should have discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when things are wrong and not of God. We should have discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when we are being moved towards darkness.

We should be disciplined enough to turn away from darkness and not give in to anger and rage. Pray for the strength to be more loving even when others aren’t being loving to you. As the old adage goes, “If you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all”. We should practice this daily so as not to fall into the enemy’s trap.

The enemy wants you to be caught up in chaos and confusion. Don’t give in to that foolishness. Turn the mess over to God. I struggle with this as I’m quick to want to put someone in their place, but that’s not my role or assignment. The moment my words are fueled by anger, I’ve lost and the enemy has won. I’m now not right in Truth, even if I may be right in fact.

Let that absorb in your mind and heart.


Father, help me to listen more intently and purposely. Open my eyes to see the things I overlook, and help me to clearly discern what’s before me. I pray that I stop to think before I speak so that only loving words come from my mouth. I hope that I turn to You so that my emotions don’t bubble out of control, and grow to anger and rage.

Father, I know that anger is not a by-product of Your love and Light. It is in weakness that a person turns to anger and violence to address their concerns and issues. It is a weak person that lashes out verbally or physically. I want to be strong in You. Touch my heart so that I can align in all ways to You. In Your Name I praise and pray. Amen.

I pray that you are blessed, that you see and embrace your blessings, and that you are a blessing to others. I love you all!


Copyright 2011-2021. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Music: Quiescent In Time by Shane Ivers –

Breaking Bread For 5.4.22

Audio Option

To listen to today’s message please click on the link below. Thank you!


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

James 4:7-8,10


Yesterday could have been rough for you, but today does not have to be your yesterday, especially if you trust and rely on God to help you see your way through. In my last message, which focused on Job 9, I said we should smile when faced with heartache, grief, turmoil, pain, setbacks, and disappointments. Because those may be facts but they aren’t your truth. We should rejoice in the Lord for the triumph we know is coming. We should smile for being blessed with yet another day to demonstrate His goodness, grace, and mercy.

Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions to stay within the status quo of man or to follow God. Sometimes we grow content with accepting the ongoing pain of living in the flesh that we don’t even consider the pleasure we receive from living in God’s Light. We must learn to love God above all else, including ourselves. We don’t want the pain and friction caused by God molding us, but we don’t realize that we are causing that pain and friction because we simply won’t let go and give up ourselves to Him. 

So yes, when we resist, the molding process is more difficult. But ironically we have less of a problem enduring the pain received in personal and professional relationships—in those instances we can quickly make excuses and try to find ways to compromise or totally acquiesce. We are double-minded and not fully loyal to our Heavenly Father. We must choose which life we want to lead. We must choose whom we will follow, trust and obey. If we don’t surrender to God the molding process only becomes more intense. 


Everyone wants to be like the disciples who had an easy escape exit, but who wants the responsibility of truly carrying the cross like Jesus? Who wants to walk as Jesus did? I’m not talking about having hangers-on and followers who blindly cheerlead and applaud all that you do. That is not and was not Jesus’s path and demonstration. 

Remember there were more than 100 disciples and he selected 12 (with double-mindedness even in some of them) to be responsible for carrying on his work. The 12 also symbolized the 12 tribes of Israel. We read about their time spent with Jesus, but consider all of the time he spent alone talking to God, meditating on his calling, contemplating things—we don’t have written records of that. We have no clue what Jesus really had to endure, the fears he had to overcome, the tears that poured out of him as he wondered why he was chosen to make such a huge sacrifice for people who would probably backslide once he left (which most did). We don’t know the doubt and frustration that would creep up inside of him.

I can say that I only wish I had the faith he had (to stand in support of God’s plan and walk with Him), courage (to do what hadn’t been done), discipline (to not be distracted), and discernment (to navigate through the smoke and mirrors of this world).


Can you imagine surrendering and giving yourself to God knowing that tomorrow you will not be here with your loved ones? Just like Moses knowing that he would never enter the Promised Land; his mission was to get the children of Israel to a certain point and then Joshua would lead them the rest of the way.

To know when your last day on earth will be must be frightening at the same time it makes you appreciate more of life’s experiences and your mission and purpose along the way. That is why many people say, “Live your life each day as though it is your last”. With that I send my love to each of you and pray for your peace and protection, and hope that you also pray for mine.


Father, I pray to release my burdens, fears and doubt to You. I know You’re trying to mold me, and I keep trying to dictate the process. I know You’re trying to direct my path, and I keep resisting and following man and not You. I want to let go. Father, free me from my shackles of double-mindedness and over-analysis. I pray for the discernment to know Your voice from any other and the belief and knowledge that Your answer is always the right one. In Your Name, I humbly pray. Amen.

Love always,


Copyright 2011-2022. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 1.14.22

“The true indication of a good life is not one filled with material wealth and riches, but through the humility that what we have today may be taken tomorrow; that we should never take for granted the things that we possess—whether spiritual, physical, or material.”


“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

James 3:13


The true indication of a good life is not one filled with material wealth and riches, but through the humility that what we have today may be taken tomorrow; that we should never take for granted the things that we possess—whether spiritual, physical, or material.

The wisdom gained from past loss should humble us that we appreciate the smallest things in life as much or more than the big things. Our humility makes us most grateful for breathing in life each day, and for whatever senses we have most use of—from there, the rest of our blessings are countless.

These things, my friends are the indication of a good life. Strive for the humility that comes from wisdom and from past lessons learned. And accept what God brings to you, for those are the greatest gifts we can ever receive.

Let today be Free Yourself Friday….


Father, I pray for the rich wisdom that can only come from You. In Your Name I pray. Amen.



Copyright 2011-2022. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 11.23.21

“Every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Be grateful and praise His Holy Name.”


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. 

James 1:17


There is nothing in life that we receive in joy that does not come from our Heavenly Father. Every good and perfect gift comes from Him. Be grateful and praise His Holy Name. Give thanks today and each day.


Father, thank You for every gift given to me and delivered through me. You are my constant. You are always here. I can always count on You. You are my ever-present Source of strength, hope, love, peace, and joy. Thank You Father. Amen.

Love your sister in Christ,


Copyright 2011-2021. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 8.9.21


“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”

James‬ ‭1:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


He who began a good work in you will continue. He keeps His promises. Will you keep yours? Will you press forward each day and endure your tests? Or will you think life to be unfair and decide instead to focus on what you don’t have? Will you blame God for the temptation you caved to, or will you take responsibility for giving into the flesh?

Praise and seek God through the tests and times you are tempted. Keep your eyes and heart focused on Him. Your reward is immeasurable and invaluable. Don’t ever forget that.


Father, thank You for holding my world in Your Hand. Thank You for never letting go of me and always believing in me, even when I don’t. Thank You for giving me courage and strength. Thank You for inspiring and encouraging me with Your love, so that I don’t weaken and give up when facing the troubles of life. Thank You for giving me reasons to smile each day. Thank You for each day that I rise. In Jesus’ Name I praise You and pray to You. Amen.

Loving you all!

Copyright 2011-2021. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 5.20.21


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do. Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James 1:22-26


If our walk with God was intended to be easy then everyone would be able to do it effortlessly and we wouldn’t have trauma in our lives, and Jesus would never had been placed in the position to atone for our sins and sacrifice his human existence to prove an eternal spiritual existence. If our walk was to be easy then even Jesus’ demonstration through his life would have been made easy. 

The world around us is filled with goodness that oftentimes gets manipulated and coerced into following the darkest of ways—but the foundation and roots are still governed by God who is merely waiting for the world to make a decision and commitment to walk in His Light.

As you make your journey through life you will be tempted to stray from your path. You will be tempted to return to old habits that plagued your life. You must decide which life you want to lead. I’m not telling you to change your life like a light switch, because as quickly as you attempt to turn one way, you will quickly be tempted and give in to resuming your old lifestyle. 

Every day we must work and strive to be better people. Every day we must work to give up bad habits. Everything in life can’t be dropped cold turkey without a great deal of pain and frustration; and if we could easily handle pain and frustration then we would never have adopted the negative habits to begin with!

If you are accustomed to cussing folks out and calling people out of their name in your private life, but in your public life you act like the sweetest angel ever created—sometimes going so far as to pretend as though you don’t cuss people out and call them out of their names—guess what? You are a liar, and you are first telling the biggest lie to yourself.

We all have flaws and none of us are perfect. Look at your flaws and decide what you can and will begin to change about yourself beginning today. Then each day work at turning that negative into a positive, turning pain to strength, and fear and hate to love.

When I was in high school, my father always said to me, “Cussing is what a person does when they can’t intelligently convey what they are trying to say” so many of us would opt to cuss than to take the time to find another way to verbalize what we are thinking and how we feel. It didn’t mean my dad didn’t use profanity. It doesn’t mean that I don’t. But can we find other words to describe our joy, pain, frustration, and anger? Sure we can. But will we make that conscious effort?

Are you willing to try to find alternative ways to express yourself?

Watch what you invest, ingest, and digest into your life, and decide what you can remove immediately or gradually. Do you enjoy watching a certain type of movie, playing a certain type of video game, indulging in certain “private” acts of pleasure, or listening to certain genres of music but you know you may or may not admit to it publicly, at church, or to your beloved grandmother?

Seems hypocritical doesn’t it? Only if you profess to be living some high and mighty way while knowing you’re not. If you love horror and gore movies, don’t act like you only watch the Hallmark channel. If you’re into playing violent video games don’t pretend to be playing something more appropriate for a small child. It doesn’t make you evil for enjoying violent entertainment. Lying about it simply makes you a liar. God already knows what you do so telling humans something different means you’re more concerned about their judgment and opinion of you, than His.

If you’re concerned with the things you do privately and want to change in some way, then work to do something about it but don’t be a fraud in the process. We’re all works in process. Just “keep it real” while God is molding you, if not life only gets harder, more difficult, and more frustrating, and you will find yourself trying to avoid the pain and difficulty—which is only going to lead you down paths of more deception. We have to be comfortable in the pain and discomfort, understanding it’s temporary. Masking it and numbing it with counterfeit alternatives, pulls us farther from God.

Let’s be responsible and accountable. Pick a lane, don’t straddle or swerve across them—if you do, expect to get a ticket for lane violations!


Father, every day I pray to you countless times as the hours pass and my blessings shine over my mounting trials and tribulations. The closer I get to You, Lord, the more challenging life seems to become at times because the way of the world is beginning to now seem different to me, and I am seeing my life through a different lens.

As these changes are taking place, the “enemy” keeps trying to convince me to stay as my old self, to hang with those people who aren’t good stewards and ambassadors for Your Kingdom; and there is pressure to behave, think, and speak in a way that is not loving and Christ-like.

As I move to focus my eyes, heart, and life more on You I am being tempted and tested by outside forces to live a double life, one that shines brightly as Your representative on some days, or during certain periods of the day, and the other life that stays hidden away where I can secretly indulge in my old “ways” of living. Father this battle for my soul can only be won when I let go, surrender, and let You have all of me.

When I question why certain things seem to happen to me at the oddest and most inconvenient of times, why bad situations seem to blindside me, and why I’m tempted by outside forces to invest my time and energy into other things and other people instead of You, I know that it is because it is a test of my commitment and devotion to You.

Well family, I hope this message has helped you as it has helped me. I love you all and will continue to pray for your peace, joy, and safety each day and hope that you too pray for me. Enjoy your day.

Love Always,


Copyright 2011-2021. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 5.19.21


My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

James 1:19-20


A child of God should be strengthened in His Word, and by the example of His son Jesus Christ. We should have discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when things are wrong and not of God. We should have discernment to see, hear, feel, and know when we are being moved towards darkness.

We should be disciplined enough to turn away from darkness and not give in to anger and rage. Pray for the strength to be more loving even when others aren’t being loving to you. As the old adage goes, “If you have nothing good to say then say nothing at all”. We should practice this daily so as not to fall into the enemy’s trap. The enemy wants you caught up in chaos and confusion. Don’t give in to the foolishness. Turn the mess over to God.


Father, help me to listen more intently and purposely. Open my eyes to see the things I overlook, and help me to clearly discern what’s before me. I pray that I stop to think before I speak so that only loving words come from my mouth. I hope that I turn to You so that my emotions do not bubble out of control, and grow to anger and rage.

Father, I know that anger is not a by-product of Your love and Light. It is in weakness that a person turns to anger and violence to address their concerns and issues. It is a weak person that lashes out verbally or physically. I want to be strong in You. Touch my heart so that I can align in all ways to You. In Your Name I praise and pray. Amen.

Love always,


Copyright 2011-2021. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 5.4.21


Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

James 4:7-8,10


Yesterday was a doozy for me and maybe you too. But today does not have to be your yesterday, if you trust and rely on God to help you see your way through. Yesterday I said we should smile when faced with heartache, grief, turmoil, pain, setbacks, and disappointments. We should rejoice in the Lord for the triumph we know is coming. We should smile for being blessed with yet another day to demonstrate His goodness, grace and mercy.

Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions to stay within the status quo of man or to follow God. Sometimes we grow content with accepting the ongoing pain of living in the flesh that we don’t even consider the pleasure we receive from living in God’s Light. We must learn to love God above all else, including ourselves. We don’t want the pain and friction caused by God molding us, but we don’t realize that we are causing that pain and friction because we simply won’t let go and give up ourselves to Him.

So yes, when we resist, the molding process is more difficult. But ironically we have less of a problem enduring the pain received in personal and professional relationships—in those instances we can quickly make excuses and try to find ways to compromise or totally acquiesce. We are double-minded and not fully loyal to our Heavenly Father. We must choose which life we want to lead. We must choose whom we will follow, trust and obey. If we don’t surrender to God the molding process only becomes more intense.


Everyone wants to be like the disciples who had an easy escape exit, but who wants the responsibility of truly carrying the cross like Jesus? Who wants to walk as Jesus did? I’m not talking about having hangers-on and followers who blindly cheerlead and applaud all that you do. That is not and was not Jesus’s path and demonstration.

Remember there were more than 100 disciples before they were narrowed down to 12 (with double-mindedness even in some of them). We read about their time spent with Jesus, but consider all of the time he spent alone talking to God, meditating on his calling, contemplating things—we don’t have written records of that. We have no clue what Jesus really had to endure, the fears he had to overcome, the doubt and frustration that would creep up inside of him. I can say that I only wish I had the faith, courage, discipline, and discernment he had.


Can you imagine surrendering and giving yourself to God knowing that tomorrow you will not be here with your loved ones? Just like Moses knowing that he would never enter the Promised Land; his mission was to get the children of Israel to a certain point and then Joshua would lead them the rest of the way.

To know when your last day on earth will be must be frightening at the same time it makes you appreciate more of life’s experiences and your mission and purpose along the way. That is why many people say, “Live your life each day as though it is your last”. With that I send my love to each of you and pray for your peace and protection, and hope that you also pray for mine.


Father, I pray to release my burdens, fears, and doubt. I know You’re trying to mold me Father. I know You’re trying to direct my path and I keep resisting and following man and not You. I want to let go. Father free me from my shackles of double-mindedness and over-analysis. I pray for the discernment to know Your voice from any other, and the belief and knowledge that Your answer is always the right one. In Your Name I humbly pray. Amen.

Love always,


Copyright 2011-2021. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 11.23.20


Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17


There is nothing in life that we receive in joy that does not come from our heavenly Father. Every blessing, talent, skill, and ability comes from God. All goodness, correction, and uplift comes from God. Be grateful and praise His Holy name. Give thanks today and each day. Express your joy and appreciation, even on days of pain and heartache.


Father, thank You for every gift given to me and delivered through me. You are my constant. You are always here. I can always count on You. You are my ever-present source of strength, courage, hope, love, peace, dignity, grace, joy, and laughter. I dance and sing because of You. I sense beauty and richness because of You. Life is amazing, even in chaos, because it is a gift and opportunity from You. Thank You Father. I pray to, praise, and serve You always. As a believer in You and Your son Jesus Christ. Amen.

If you aren’t smiling right now, what are you waiting for? If you aren’t listening to some uplifting and positive music right now, then it’s time to turn it on and if possible, crank it up, and make the time to praise God through song and dance!

Love your sister in Christ,


Copyright 2011-2020. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.

Breaking Bread For 7.3.20


You see that his faith and his actions were working together, and his faith was made complete by what he did.

James 2:22


It is not faith alone, but your actions supporting your faith, that encompasses your true dedication and belief in God and what He can do to and for you.

Money and Resources

I can’t just have faith that God will deliver me the money that I need to pay my bills, take care of my business expenses, and the other provisions that I need. I have to be proactive, also making sure that I am receptive to potential blessings that may come in various forms. I have to get up each day and work diligently so that I am doing my part and showing God that I’m serious about my life, my family’s wellbeing, my career, and in serving Him. Coupled with my faith, my bills will be paid and all of the financial perks will be received.


I can’t just sit around praying that God will bless me with children, I must make sure that I am doing my part to be mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially healthy—and prepared to have, raise, and nurture those children. How else will God see and know that you and I are truly prepared? Coupled with my faith in Him, He will bless me with children, as He sees fit, in whatever arrangement that He defines. God has no time limits or boundaries. God isn’t concerned about my age and what doctors, science, or society says. God determines. My responsibility is to do my part and be patient.


I can’t just sit around and pray for a healthy, joy-filled, loving, honorable, impenetrable, and committed marriage— I must do my part to heal, nurture, love, commit, strengthen, protect, and grow within myself first. I must be supportive, receptive, nurturing, understanding, compassionate, nonjudging, trusting, forgiving, and loving of and to my partner to encourage—and receive—the same in return.

I can’t be hung up on the past, because God isn’t. He’s not still dwelling on what I should’ve and could’ve done, or what I did that disappointed Him. So why am I looking backward when the day is before me, and my future is ahead of me? What someone did to me, was done. Past tense. It doesn’t make sense to continue carrying around that weight. It doesn’t get me closer to healing, salvation, victory, or what God has planned for me. It’s just dead weight.

I don’t need to remarry to be happy and whole. I need to be in constant alignment with God. Whomever stands in accordance with that is one chosen by God to do so. It’s not for me to force or reconfigure a piece to try to make it fit some puzzle I’ve envisioned. When that piece is directed by God, it aligns without effort. Then there is peace.

With my faith and actions, I can put my trust in knowing that my relationship and marriage (if God so chooses) will be as God envisioned. I must demonstrate through thoughts, words, and deeds, the very things that I desire in and from a life partner.

Health and Wellness

My desire for excellent health cannot come from merely wishing or praying for it. What am I doing to reduce my risk of exposure to toxic things, environments, situations, and people? What am I doing to extinguish the toxic thoughts that creep in, with a seek and destroy mission?

Health is not just physical. It is spiritual, emotional, mental, and financial. It is inside-out and outside-in. It’s also the layers upon layers that we stand in strength or weakness. It’s the layers that we place or allow to be placed, by others, upon us.

Combining it All

My actions, along with my faith, encourage me to trust and believe that the health, money, resources, children, and marriage that I desire—and need— will be provided to me as God intends for me, and only when He sees fit. Faith, is not only the believing in something, it is also the patience to wait, for that which we desire, to manifest fully—on God’s time, not ours. While we wait we must work with the greatest of passion.

Now let’s put some action beside our faith!


Father, I thank You now for my blessings. I thank You now for providing me with the money that I need to take care of my expenses and to provide the financial foundation and layers that will support and help build my legacy. I thank You now for providing me with the resources that I need to grow and become a better person.

To show my faith in You and my dedication to serving You, I won’t just sit around lazily expecting You to do everything for me; but rather I promise to get up each day and work diligently in both my personal and professional life. If I say I want more in life then I need to show You that I can handle more, by first taking care of what is before me.

Jesus showed men how to become fishermen so that they could catch their own fish, not just wait around for someone to provide them with the fish. I want to be that metaphoric and symbolic fisherman, who works hard through Your grace and will to provide for myself and my family—all while giving to those in need, so that they too will rise up to be fishermen.

I want You to know and see that I’m willing to do my part Lord. I thank You for taking care of me Father, and for freeing me from the fear that kept and keeps me prisoner in my own mind and body. I love You Father. In Your son Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

I hope that each and every one of you have an amazing 4th of July. Even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, celebrate your life and everyone that you’re blessed to share it with.



Copyright 2011, 2019, 2020. Natasha L. Foreman. Some Rights Reserved. All Prayers and Reflections are Copyright Protected by Natasha L. Foreman.